Priv.-Doz. Dr. Kristian Kniha

“Pain-free treatment and mutual trust are very important to me” Dr. Kristian Kniha studied dentistry at Saarland University and LMU Munich. He completed his training as a specialist dentist for oral surgery in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery under Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Hölzle at Aachen University Hospital.

SS 2009 – SS 2011
Studied dentistry at the University of Saarland

WS 2011 – SS 2014
Studied dentistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

License to practice as a dentist

03|2015 – 12|2020
Resident in further training as a specialist dentist for oral surgery at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Hospital of RWTH Aachen University

Appointment as a specialist dentist for oral surgery by the North Rhine Dental Association

Doctorate (Dr. med. dent.) from the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich about the topic
„Klinische und röntgenologische Untersuchung an vollkeramischen Dentalimplantaten. A
retrospective study of 87 patients.”

Completion of the habilitation on the topic “Clinical use of zirconia implants for dental rehabilitation”, award of the venia legendi for oral surgery and appointment as private lecturer at RWTH Aachen University

01|2021 – 05|2022
Practice Prof. Kniha, Schlegel and colleagues in Munich

Foundation of the practice for oral surgery – Dr. Kniha in Munich at Viktualienmarkt


Dr. Kim Clever-Kniha

(currently on maternity leave)

“I want to understand my patients, listen and ask questions. In addition to the medical evidence, I am particularly interested in how my patients feel.«

Dr. Kim Clever-Kniha studied dentistry at the FAU in Erlangen. She completed her oral surgery training in two oral and maxillofacial surgery practices in Aachen and Augsburg.

SS 2013 – SS 2018
Studied dentistry at the University of Erlangen (FAU)

License to practice as a dentist

Assistant dentist

12|2019 – 12/2020
Assistant dentist in further training to become a specialist dentist for oral surgery in the practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery Dres. Kettner, Erbe, Gerner, Stockbrink

Doctorate as Dr. med. dent. of the University of Erlangen on the topic
“Experimentally induced mucositis around titanium and zirconium dioxide implants in comparison to natural teeth”

01|2021- 10/2023
Assistant dentist in further training to become a specialist dentist for oral surgery in the practice for oral and maxillofacial surgery Dr. Dr. Korbinian Seyboth, Augsburg

Appointment as a specialist dentist for oral surgery by the Bavarian Dental Association

Practice for Oral Surgery Dres. Kniha in Munich at the Viktualienmarkt


Dr. med. Pia Lieber

Physician for Anesthesiology

Dr. med. Pia Lieber was born in Essen, Germany, where she graduated from the Viktoriaschule. She atended the MTA school in Münster, where she passed her state examination as an MTA and received state recognition for her degree. She then studied human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.

Doctorate at the Max Planck Institute under Prof. Dr. med. L. Schaaf

Specialist training at the Klinikum Innenstadt and Großhadern of the LMU as well as at Southmead Hospital and Frenchay Hospital, Bristol, Great Britain.
Internships in Pretoria, South Africa; Nashville Tennessee, USA

– Anesthesiologist in private practice in Munich
– Memberships
– Focus
– Outpatient anesthesia/sedation, regional nerve blocks, difficult airway management, intensive care transport/flight retrieval, specialist representation